Tuesday 11 October 2011

Black Bottom Cupcakes

Argh!! Remembering these buggers drives me nuts!! I couldnt figure out what was going on half the time, the consistencies were unfamiliar and everything looked a bit of a mess... the chocolate cake base was extremely dense, whilst the "cheesecakey" bit was soo runny, it resembled yoghurt and i was skeptical if it was EVER going to rise. But rise it did. And they looked pretty (well, err..) pretty... for now.

okay well, maybe instagram helped a bit.

Once cooled, i topped them all off with some cream cheese frosting. Mine always seems to be a bit too runny, i'm still trying to figure out how to rectify this. 

I suppose these were edible, but these were definitely harder to bribe my housemates with. The dense cake really stuck the top of your mouth, it reminded me of brownies and next time i may use less cocoa. It was quite strong and even slightly bitter. It needed something sharp to cut through all that rich gooey goodness, maybe some raspberries??

Basically, a bit of a disaster. If at first you don't succeed...

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