Thursday 26 January 2012

Blueberry Muffins

So, i woke up this morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed, nice and early. And the sun was shining?!!
A question mark. That's right.
Because it's England, crappy England where noone knows what sunshine looks like and all the girls happen to get glorious orange skin from the rain water.
So anyway, with this brightening up my mood SIGNIFICANTLY, i grabbed the nearest unfortunate housemate and trotted off the supermarket to buy some blueberries.
Because who doesn't like waking up the smell of freshly baked blueberry muffins for breakfast??

That's who.

Everyone knows i'm not the tidiest baker. I get a bit over-excited and i make a mess with my hands shaking with spoonfuls of batter in anticipation whilst i watch through the oven door.
(which by the way, i don't know why i do, since our oven door is totally a mirror. and therefore useless to see how any of your food is cooking. But at least you can check out your hair and see how much of a twat you look like still holding 2 battered spoons and muffin mix on your face.)

everyone likes a diagonal cake photo don't they? well i do. you must all know that by now.

in fact, i like it so much, that i took two!

I love when i'm able to bake in the morning because it's sunny. It means i can take rather attractive photos and i don't need that garish horrible flash. 
Having said that, i don't in the slightest have any eye for photography.
So i apologise for my amateur "look how AHMAYZING my cakes are" photos.

Besides that, my muffins were lurrvly especially when warm. Had a nice crisp top and a gooey centre... this may have been because of a generous blueberry overload (see last picture). 

I also thought they were a little on the small side, maybe that's because i'm greedy.. so i thought with the second batch, i would fill them a little more... maybe just a smidge...

errrr... no. Well the others to be fair, don't look THAT bad... it's just those siamese ones reaching out to all the others... So this is what happens when i get greedy and over-excited. You get explosion cake.

OMG- it looks like something died in my cake!

This was after i took a bite out, it was sooo soft and gooey. I'm sorry about the flash making the cake look anaemic, i was nomming it down, i couldn't be bothered to get a plate and take a lovely picture, so i used the dreaded flash.

As you can see, it was a massive blueberry mess inside. I guess you can say i didn't skimp one bit on the blueberriness of my blueberry muffins... but still..

they should probably be called Blueberry Bombs. I mean, look at them.

What a deliciously gooey purple mess.

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