Tuesday 13 December 2011

Cookie Dough Truffles

Yesterday, we had 13 guests over (20 people in total) for xmas dinner (imagine cooking in a student house for that number of people!!).. Obviously i seized the opportunity and insisted we needed some little sweet things to pass around after dinner as none of us thought we would be able to fit a full dessert in..

I've made these a million times before (okay maybe just 3...) But these are quick to make and turn out delicious everytime :)

Made with condensed milk, i made an eggless cookie dough (nomming obviously all the way through).. chilled the dough for half an hour, rolled out into walnut sized balls, chilled in the freezer for 2 hours, before dunking them (messily, might i add, i'm impatient and lack in skill) in melted chocolate, and decorated with drizzled white chocolate.

my messy tray...

Unfortunately, because i'm a poor student, i constantly run out of ingredients, so traditionally, i didn't have enough chocolate to cover them all.. So what did i do? I melted milk chocolate with white. 

Err.. i dont think i'll be doing that again in a hurry!! especially if i need it just to coat stuff..

It tasted fine, but it became really thick and almost impossible to coat anything with :(.. i used my instinct and added a tsp of vegetable oil, and it made it slightly more workable and still tasted fine..

Still, not enough to cover all the truffles.. and my chocolate drizzling skills suck.

But that's okay because they're still delicious without the coating... 

I like to put the naked ones into vanilla ice cream :) like a cheaper cookie dough ben and jerrys ^_^

Naked or clothed, these truffles went down a treat... my little rustic looking things... 

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