Monday 21 November 2011

Chilli Chocolate Fondant Cupcakes

This week, i had a slight adventurous streak... I was deciding what type of cupcake to supply the coffee cup with this Tuesday... when i thought of chilli and chocolate. I've never tried it- but i thought, what could be more warming on a cold day than a rich chocolate sponge with a spicy heat??... With this in mind, i searched high and low on the internet to find a recipe... but i couldn't find anything that really satisfied what i was looking for.

In the end, i chose the simple Chocolate Fondant Cupcake recipe from the famous Hummingbird Bakery Book and decided i would replaced the dark chocolate used for the ganache with some chilli chocolate.

i trecked to Selfridges where i spent a whole 7 STERLING POUNDS (boohoo!!) on just 300g of Lindt Dark Chilli Chocolate. This was more of a bawling my eyes out while scoffing delicious posh chocolate moment.

I LURVE LINDT CHOCOLATE. Endof. so i KNEW this couldn't go wrong... Right?

I took an obscene amount of pictures today- just so you could all see what i do...

butter and caster sugar (before)...


flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and salt added

eggs and milk added...

before baking... (in hindsight, i should have filled them a little less)..

...coz they kinda came out huge... Just LOOK at no. 3 on the 3rd row!! O_O

my babies coolin

hollowing out the cakes and filling with the chilli chocolate filling (i added a few extra chilli flakes into the mix just to heat it up a little more..)

cake top popped back on and covered with the chilli chocolate ganache

sprinkled with grated Lindt Chilli Chocolate...

a single cupcake in all it's glory ^_^

a very messy cross section... chocolate sponge, chilli chocolate filling and frosting

These little minor experimental cupcakes are turning out a treat so far for me. The boyf said they were the best ones i've done so far. The chocolate was velvety and extremely rich and indulgent.. Mmmm... The chilli wasn't too spicy either, it just gave the chocolate a really nice heat- even with the extra chilli flakes i added. The spice was felt at the back of the mouth and not on the tongue so it was bearable even for the milder mouths. Watching the ganache turn glossy to matte was pretty cool :) it made the process all look very profess(ional) which is something im still not used to... It's given me more confidence to be more experimental with recipes- even if it's just replacing one ingredient with another..

Overall, a very easy bake with tasty results :)

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